The PTOs must take minutes at all Executive Board/Steering Committee and regular meetings.

Board minutes must include basic information such as:

  • Date and time of meeting;
  • Whether the meeting is a special or regular meeting;
  • Whether notice was given or a waiver of notice signed by all directors (check your bylaws);
  • Names of directors in attendance and directors not in attendance (attach attendance sheet);
  • Names of other guests in attendance (and their titles or associations, if relevant) (attach attendance sheet);
  • Whether a quorum was established (check your by-laws);
  • Any board actions (e.g., approvals, delegations of authority, directives, resolutions).

Minutes should:

  • Be formatted consistently from meeting to meeting;
  • Be approved by the later of (1) the next meeting of the governing body or committee (such as approving the minutes of the prior meeting) or (2) 60 days after the date of the meeting or written action;
  • Include alternatives considered for important decisions to show diligence and reasonable care;
  • Include documents/reports handed out at the meeting, both to and from the Board;
  • Include voting results (first, second, abstentions, dissensions by name);
  • Highlight (bold) action items, what people commit to do, votes, resolutions;
  • Retained permanently.

Minutes should not:

  • Include a transcript of everything said at the meeting, including information that might be harmful to the organization if read by someone with access to the minutes (e.g., employees or members) or by a court reviewing a board action.